
The price index of base-load electricity on the day-ahead market in the IPS of Ukraine amounts to 2 671,04 UAH/MWh for 2022. The DAM weighted average price of electricity purchase and sale is 2 812,31 UAH/MWh for the year. On the intraday market the weighted average price of electricity traded during 2022 amounts to 2 679,61 UAH/MWh.

The volume of electricity trades on the spot electricity market in Ukraine was 20,9 TWh in 2022, which is 48,8% less than was traded on the DAM and IDM in 2021. Both DAM and IDM were in surplus all the year: the supply exceeded the demand by 2,1 times for the DAM, and by 3,6 times – for the IDM.

The cost of electricity sold on the day-ahead market in the IPS of Ukraine amounted to 57,852 UAH billion (including VAT), on the intraday market it was 8,645 UAH billion (including VAT).

In the Burshtyn Energy Island, which operated separately until February 24, 2022, the DAM price index of BASE electricity amounted to 2 509,93 UAH/MWh for 2022. On the intraday market the weighted average price of electricity was 2 529,79 UAH/MWh.

1 064 473 MWh of electricity were traded on the DAM in the IPS of Ukraine, whereas 6 432 MWh were traded on the IDM. The cost of electricity sold on the DAM in the BEI amounted to 3,278 UAH billion (including VAT), on the intraday market – 0,020 UAH billion (including VAT).

The average prices of electricity in Ukraine are more than 3,35 times lower than the same prices on the spot market of European countries.

*All prices are net of VAT. The calculation of the BASE price index is based on hourly data.

More detailed information on DAM and IDM operations can be found in the Market Operator’s annual report.

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