To the attention of market participants and the NEURC: the IDM trading is resumed due to the TSO`s announcement on the end of the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine


The JSC Market Operator informs that the IDM trading is resumed from 09:00 on 24.11.2022 due to the TSO`s announcement on the end of the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine from 09:00 on 24.11.2022 and in accordance with paragraph 1.9.3 of the Rules of the day-ahead market and the intraday market, approved by the Resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission ¹308 dated 14.03.2018.

Therefore, the IDM orders for the delivery date of 24.11.2022 can be submitted after 14:00 (2:00 p.m.), starting from orders for the settlement period 16:00 - 17:00 (4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

At the same time, we would like to mention that the DAM/IDM participant`s orders for the delivery date of 24.11.2022, put on the IDM before the IDM trading suspension took place (09:00 on 24.11.2022), will not be automatically updated. The DAM/IDM participant should resubmit the order(s) for the respective(s) settlement period(s) for the delivery date of 24.11.2022 in case of need to update them. 

We also inform you that the market participants may have to carry out «manually» the updating of the IDM toolbar in the Market operator`s software complex after the IDM trading resumption.